
How to roller skates at home and weight loss

How to reduce injuries when roller skating

+ Position: When you fall, people bend forward knees kneeling down the ground, the hands (hand postures to face downwards) towards the ground, then your knees down with your hands against the land. (note to avoid falling leaned back) 

Step 1: Wear Protection

+ Protection include: elbow, elbow legs, hands, hat (to reduce injuries)

Step 2: How to reduce injuries

+ Position: When you fall, people bend forward knees knelt legs exposed to the ground, the hands (hand postures to face downwards) towards the ground, then your knees down with your hands against ground. (note to self to avoid leaned back)

How to roller skates at home and weight loss
How to roller skates at home and weight loss

+ How to stand up after the fall: although you are aware that you have to minimize the fall when the actual slip but new players are likely to fall, and even the high-class skater, though less but they are not immune to falling in many situations. Therefore, you learn to stand up after the fall, especially when new to roller skates, by placing both hands and knees 2 against on the ground as crawling posture. Are you ready to stand up by performing the following steps:

1. Put your hands on the knees, but keep itself upright.
2. Anti-1 overlap perpendicular to the ground.
3. Place the two palms on his knees.
4. Keep your head and upper body straight and rise in power of the knees and hands.
5. While the movements are done 4, continue against the other leg straight up and stand up.
6. Stand still with upright until ready to start back and slide.

Many people are often afraid and do not dare to continue after falling because they are not confident in your ability to control yourself. But once these steps are carried out basically, you will feel more confident to continue to slide ...

Step 3: Practice slide

+ Before starting the slide notes should wear tight (easily tip shoes feet wide, it is difficult not to slip and slide techniques)
slide Posture: stand in V-shaped, slightly leaning forward a little, looking down at the two uppers (to control the legs for the right technique, known slide and will look ahead), two hand shaking hands behind or to sweep down, palms facing inward.

+ Start slide (note when slid to relax, not stress), feet, moving a step, so keep sliding V-shaped, slightly leaning forward, should step in small steps only, lift the higher the better legs (average ranges from 5-10 cm). Note should concentrate when she begins to slip. When you can slide basic you should learn more advanced skills

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