
Sports for Women 2017

Is playing sports as good for as us as we make it sound to be or just a fun and entertainment pass time?

What science says, exercise is definitely good for health and mind. Studies show that if you can find a team or a sport you like, there are all sorts of benefit including psychological and mental health which goes beyond the benefit of exercise alone. Some of those come from the communal experience being on a team, for e.g. , learning to trust, team work skills and work together towards a common goal. Your self esteem and confidence can get a big boost. Sports also help to fight several health conditions including heart, brain and the overall body. when the fat level is limited specially in women, the lady becomes healthier

Female sports have increased significantly in 20th century. In few sports women exceed in performance compared to their men rivals such as Figure skating.There are many sports that women now take part but here is a list of common sports that women participate

1. Roller Skates/Roller blading

Roller Skates/Roller blading

- Roller Skating is most common and it improves the ability of the leg muscles. It helps to boost the joint movement and restrict joint dislocation. According to a study from University of Massachusetts , skating causes 50% less joint shocks than running. It also promotes good mood and fat burning. Roller Blading builds up all the upper leg muscles, hip, buttocks and lower back muscles. Roller blading can also help maintain body weight as its an effective calorie burning workout. As per Mayo clicnic, one can burn 913 calories with single hour of roller blading. Roller skates for women
One of the greatest benefit of rollerblading is the fun that it creates specially when you have a companion.

2. Tennis

- A social sports and over time women had left their marks in the history of this sports. It fines motor control skills, helps reduce weight and enhance flexibility. It also helps boost the physical and psychological health in many different ways. It increase the aerobic capacities

3. Volleyball

Volleyball for women

- One of the common indoor sports for women and one of the primary benefit of volleyball is to burn calories. In this game , the player gets to build better coordination with the eye and hand. It helps in promoting agility, speed and balance.

4. Soccer

Soccer for women

- It is known to promote a teamwork skills and is commonly played in US. It helps in boosting the muscle mass, reduce fat and increase the bone density.

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