When we start a new school year, most of us always put on a few unwanted pounds. These extra pounds keep adding up and somehow end up as the inevitable Freshman 15. Do your body a favor this new school year and keep those unwanted pounds away. Take the Freshman 15 Challenge and stay healthy.
The Most Important Meal of the Day - Breakfast should never be ignored. No matter how much time you think you don't have, make time for a sensible breakfast. It will take no more than five minutes to prepare a glass of juice, wheat toast, apple slices and a soft boiled egg. Skipping breakfast is a sure set-up for blind over-indulgence at the first opportunity.
Make Healthy Food Choices - You should do your best to prepare your own meals. Eating out at fast food restaurants can case several problems including extra weight. you need to be in complete control of everything that goes into your mouth. Fresh and simple foods are your best bet if you want to intake the best nutrients without a lot of unnecessary fat and calories. Here are some excellent choices when deciding on a snack..
* A piece of fruit
* Bean salad
* Low-Fat Cheese and a few Triscuit® 100% Whole Wheat Crackers
* A mixed fruit smoothie
* A mixed fruit and vegetable smoothie
* Two graham cracker squares with peanut butter or apple slices
* Sandwich on rye, 100% whole wheat, pumpernickle...
- on anything but white bread - and a salad
Any of these ideas and many more are all suitable as a quick and healthful snack and/or as a lunch-time meal. If you cannot prepare your own daytime meals you should always make choices that are on the right side of healthy.
Do not choose the greasy fried versions of anything, shun the sauces, go easy on the dressings and pretend the processed foods do not exist.
Look for the green and the naturally fresh choices in front of you. If your options are few, oh well, just get a double portion of the good stuff to make yourself a meal.
Night Time is Not the Right Time for Snacks - Try as hard as you can to stop eating several hours before you go to bed at night. But... if you must snack, do your body a favor and choose very wisely.
If you crave ice cream at night, put a cup of low-fat pudding in the freezer and snack on that. Or frozen grapes. If you are craving something crunchy and salty, skip the chips and go instead for a couple of cups of air-popped popcorn, or whole wheat baked crackers. Say no to cake, cookies, candy and all of the ugly stuff. If you do succumb to the lures of the late-night advertisements, do not despair.
Always - Do Better Tomorrow.
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